Crossdresser Heaven Review 2020

Among transgender people, dating sites are the most common way to find a mate and personal happiness. Some people also resort to the services of such websites to find friends or an for the evening. We have prepared a review of the dating site of this segment, popular among LGBT audiences. In this review, we will tell you about Crossdresser Heaven.

On this site, you can find Love, Help, Friends, and support. It is one of the most serious transgender dating communities. Here is the atmosphere that you dreamed about and what you wanted for many years. Welcome to the most serious community for acquaintances for the sake of friendship, love, relationships, marriage with transgender people, and those who love and respect such people.

Reputation and History of Crossdresser Heaven

Crossdresser Heaven is to provide a safe, welcoming, and supportive environment for everyone in the transgender community. More than 30 thousand user profiles are registered on the site, of which about a thousand are online in the daytime and evening. Moreover, the share of the active audience of the service is only slightly inferior to other niche sites. In addition to its main responsibilities, the resource provides the opportunity to blog, thereby performing the functions of social networks. It is considered to be one of the most reliable Internet services for transgender people. A high level of social responsibility characterizes it. It has been seen in many LGBT health and rights projects.

Website, App, Interface, Registration

Are you looking for one of the most visited transgender dating sites on the Internet? Then look no further! Crossdresser Heaven is the perfect website for finding like-minded people, partners, and friends. What sets Crossdresser Heaven apart from its competitors is that you also have the opportunity to chat and meet with local trans people who are ready to support you. With that said, let’s look at this amazing site.

An information and entertainment portal for transgender people greets its visitors with a restrained design in bright colors. The site is replete with commercial offers of underwear, poppers, dildos, and other items of intimate purpose. From this, we can conclude that the resource is intended for people, as they say, “without complexes.”

Erotic stories, photo galleries, and “jokes” – all this is here too, as well as sections with current news, publications about culture and art, self-care tips, and materials about various aspects of relationships.

Be that as it may, the site’s employees see their main goal as the development and promotion of the transgender community in the information space. The project team hopes that its work “helps society to become more open” and “make the world around us at least a little kinder and brighter.”

Some illegibility and excesses in the selection of content do not reflect the best way on the reputation of the site. Still, it does not harm its popularity at all. For a long time, the project has existed and is one of the most visited entertainment dating sites among transgender people, including – and through the dating section.

Most dating sites offer you to choose who you are, guy or girl, and no one offers transgender. That was one of the reasons for creating this community.

To become a user of a dating site, find Join Crossdresser Heaven in the upper right corner. You will open the registration page. Here you must specify the username, first name, last name, email, and password, write about yourself. In this section, indicate relationship to the transgender person (self, spouse, fiance, family, friend, significant other), gender ( MTF, Cis Woman, crossdresser FTM, gender fluid, female, FTM), country, state or province, city and write a short Bio. Tell other members a little about yourself in a short bio visible to everyone.

The process of registration is almost done. The last thing you need to do is to Agree to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, agree you are 18 or older, agree to receive updates from Crossdresser Heaven (Recommended), and let them know you’re human. You need to confirm the CAPTCHA to do this after all that, press the Register button.

Every year more and more dating sites appear on the network. Some of them are intended for a broad audience, but there are also highly specialized ones, for example, for transgender people. There are even more recent sites. Surprisingly, such non-traditional sexual minorities have gained considerable popularity around the world.

Meeting other people in the crossdressing community is one of the best ways to increase your confidence and find like-minded people. Crossdresser Heaven brings together members from all over the world. It does not matter what you are looking for on this site. User profiles are real, and in blogs and forums, you will find a lot of useful information. It will help you find a support group because you are in a caring environment to study your transgender.

There is no mobile application. You can try mobile apps that you would think up front are just like Crossdresser Heaven. But when you log in, you will only find people who seem messed up in their heads. This dating website is where you can find a relationship, friends, advice, and useful information. It is more than just a dating website. The best method is to use a mobile web browser to navigate directly to Crossdresser Heaven if you want to use this website anywhere and anytime. Probably not a bad thing because you would not get for alerts on your phone when you are not alone, but you will monitor the activity on the site.

Crossdresser Heaven is a special community for transgender people ad it has its features. Let’s speak about them in detail.

You can scroll through the list of forums. They are so different that you can be confused. Click on an image to go to the forum of your choice. If you decide to start your topic in that forum, you need to scroll to the bottom of the topic list. You will see the “Create New Topic” button, click on it. You can also comment on those already started. Crossdresser Heaven Forums is the place where they can hear your voice and thoughts. Using a forum, you can choose:

2. Store

This function is also popular. You can buy here accessories, body shaping, breast forms, clothes, crossdressing essentials, and much more.

3. Socials

This tool helps you to communicate with other members. It allows you to find members, browse new members, read the news feed, suggest an event, and browse upcoming events.

Partner Search

Crossdresser Heaven is an international project bringing together transgender people from all over the world. The site offers not only to exchange useful information but also to find friends, like-minded people, and love. You can use the local and advanced search on Crossdresser Heaven website. The first involves the possibility of exploring the trance of your region.

What algorithm to look for partners? Everything is straightforward. It will take you just a few minutes to find the one you would like to talk to. In the navigation bar, select the “Social” section. A popup will appear in front of you. There you can select “Find Friends,” “New Members,” “Member Directory,” or “Featured Members.” There is also the ability to browse online profiles, have recently been active and in alphabetical order. You will see user profiles. You can choose to add a profile as a friend, block, or send a private message.

This dating site has a free trial month of use. This feature allows you to use advanced features like an advanced search. The audience is extensive, there are a lot of profiles, there are bots, but there are not many. People are friendly, especially abroad and in the USA. You can browse through Crossdresser Heaven member directory, or search for members by city, state/province, or country.

The dating site interface is convenient, simple, and at the top of the page, you will find several categories in this popular niche. This service offers many communication options. But the most common is the Chat. I clicked on Chat, and I was sent directly to where many real online transgender users shared their experiences, interests, and much more. This feature allows you to chat with community members and guests of Crossdresser Heaven.

This service positions itself as a safe, welcoming, and supportive place. Therefore, the use of chat requires the fulfillment of certain requirements. If you disturb and speak negatively about the participants, you will be banned from the chat, and your account will be deleted. Crossdresser Heaven uses the chat feature to share information, but not like pick-up or sex dating chat. If you create and participate in sex chats, you will be banned and your account deleted. Chat works best in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. If you have problems using the chat, contact technical support, and help you solve them.

Crossdresser Heaven Alternatives

This international dating site is over five years old. Here, not only transgender people can find their fate, but also people with non-traditional sexual orientation. There are many profiles, as well as additional services and entertainment. Users actively communicate, post new photos. Moderation is strict; for porn content and bad statements about transgender people, you can get banned and sometimes even delete your account.

But such strict rules make this service so popular among users. Many do not even think about the fact that you can register on another portal. We decided to mention similar dating sites for transgender people. Among the most popular sites are,,, and many others. Almost all websites have blogs, forums, and chat rooms for communication. Some of them provide all functions for free. But at the same time, they have fake profiles. Decide what interests you and what service you would like to use.

Membership Price and Payment Method

Crossdresser Heaven is a popular international transgender site with a vast audience that is constantly evolving. As with other dating sites, there are many paid services, such as highlighting profiles, video profiles, the ability to send personal messages, joining groups and forums, creating blogs, and much more.

There is a function of group chat, private communication via video. Moderation is quite strict. Any abusive behavior or hints of a bad attitude towards trans, discrimination is punishable. Most of the site’s profiles belong to transgender people.

After joining, you will see the Recommended Plan. As a special gift, they will offer you a free month of their Duchess plan. The Duchess plan gives members access to everything Crossdresser Heaven has to offer:

If you agree, you press “Yes! Start my free trial” button. They will redirect you to another Membership Level charge page. You can cancel a subscription at any time in the first month, and you won’t be charged.

You can select the Duchess membership level. The Duchess plan includes such features and tools:

You can purchase this Plan via Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover

The price for Free Trial period membership is $0.00. It lasts for one month and has auto-renewal. Then you will pay $25.00 per month.

Is Crossdresser Heaven Really Safe?

This dating site is very popular in the USA and Thailand, but the list of countries where registration is possible is constantly updated. It is a great place if you want to meet your destiny or just chat with someone from transgender people. Here you will find many active profiles, and you can take advantage of interesting features. There is a privacy policy and is strictly enforced. For violation of the rules of communication, you will be severely punished. Such users can be banned and even delete an account. The phrase that «it is a safe community for like-minded people and friends» is often found on the site. And indeed it is. The site moderators are doing everything possible so that the service remains safe and friendly for all members.

Moderators are active and monitor chatting, forums, and blogs. It helps block users who violate the privacy policy and terms of use of the service.

The support service is constantly working. If you have any questions, you can contact them. In the navigation ribbon, you can select the Contact Manager Ambassador or Contact technical support.

Popular User Questions:

To find the frequently asked questions section, go to the navigation bar and select Help Center. Start by searching “User Guides”, “Articles”, “References”, “FAQ”, “Forums”.

Using this site, you cannot add your photo. But with photography, you have a better chance of being interested in you.

Deleting an account is very simple. To do this, click on the icon of your profile and go to the settings section. Deleting your account will delete all of the content you have created. After that, you will not be able to restore the deleted information, and the profile will need to be recreated.

Users can show their interest, add profiles to friends. A notification accompanies all actions. You will see notifications by clicking on the bell icon in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.

To block a user, you need to go to the partner search section, enter his username. After that, you will see a photo of his profile. Under the picture, there is a lock button.

If you paid the membership, then you will not be able to return your money. Keep track of this because you will be connected to automatic membership renewal, and money will be debited at the end of the period.


Today acquaintance on the Internet has become the norm for many people, as in this way, it is much easier and faster to find a person with similar interests and preferences in relationships and sex.

However, to enjoy online dating, it is essential to choose a convenient platform that would provide all the functions you need and not become another useless time devourer.

You can use Crossdresser Heaven for that. The basis for your profile will be not just your photos and a few suggestions about your favorite food, music, or movie, but also detailed answers to really interesting questions that will help reveal your personality to those who are interested in you.

This dating site will help you meet many interesting people. User profiles are monitored constantly, so you can be sure that the posted profiles are real. Take a few minutes of your time to register on a Crossdresser Heaven dating site.

CrossdresserHeaven users sign up here as well: